Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hey, it's possible!

I would really like to do Seussical next fall...

::wakes up::

RIGHT! I need to get back to homework. Ahhhhh...


Anonymous said...

ANything's POSSIBLE!!!!
"Try not to think, try to behave, try not to think....i'll think of taking a taking a bath in the drippy old tub..."

ugh. me too mary, me too.

Courtney said...

the pajama game is the game we play!

of course, anythings possible cos I have wings and I can flyyyyyyyyyy!

Laurney_liz said...

dream on dear...we all will

Anonymous said...

...so much for that idea...

-Megan J W- said...

seussical...scrooge....well...they both start with "s" and have a "c" and "e" in them...does that make them close??

...yeah, i didnt think so either...